Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Settings and Beyond


Why this workshop?


Over 100 years ago, Dale Carnegie said that “When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” And not much has changed since. Our brains are hard-wired to make us emotional creatures – our feelings are strong motivators of our behavior. When emotions are high, it is hard to think clearly. In face of danger or under stress, the brain puts out a rush of adrenaline that drives the blood from our brain and into our limbs where it can help us fight or take flight. Emotional reactions diminish our capacity to be resourceful and creative, which is particularly detrimental in workplace settings, but also personal relationships. This is where emotional intelligence (EQ) comes in. In the words of Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence is “the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships”. In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that the quality of our relationships and how we are perceived in the workplace depends not just on how smart or how qualified we are, but also on how well we manage ourselves and our interactions with others, including the emotions involved.

What we aim to achieve.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of emotional intelligence, what it is and its various components

  • Understand how emotional intelligence impacts workplace interactions

  • Identify emotional triggers in themselves and others

  • Apply techniques to skillfully manage one’s emotions when under pressure

  • Employ strategies to connect with the emotions that drive the behaviour of others

Who is it for?

  • Businesses who want to support the wellbeing of their employees and individual performance

  • Team leaders and line managers who want to get better at managing themselves and others

  • Team members to improve the way they cooperate, improve productivity and reduce conflict or find better solutions for it

  • Anyone who would like to improve their social and communication skills

What we will cover.

  • Emotional intelligence quiz for self-assessment

  • What emotional intelligence is and why it matters

  • Strategies to develop emotional self-awareness and self-regulation

  • How to use emotional intelligence to manage and address workplace problems

  • How to recognise and inspire emotions in others

  • Overview of DISC personality profiles and link to emotional intelligence*

  • Personal emotional intelligence action plan

*This workshop can be combined with a pre-workshop DISC assessment


1/2 to 1 Day

Workshop contents may vary based on duration.