Handle Difficult People and Conversations Like a Pro


Why this workshop?


We all have to deal with conflict at some point in our lives. At times though, it seems that we happen to come into conflict with some people more than with others and that the intensity of that conflict is more difficult to manage than any other conflict we’ve ever had to face. Or simply interacting with certain people challenges us in ways that leave us perplexed, frustrated, and tired. Is it a matter of incompatibility between personalities or are some people more difficult to deal with than others? There are certain factors that may lead to us finding some people are more difficult to deal with than others. It may be that some people are in need of celestial realignment, if we are to put it down to zodiac signs. Whatever the cause, sometimes these people cannot be avoided and difficult conversations cannot be postponed. Such interactions require an upgrade to our standard communication and conflict management skills.

What we aim to achieve.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Gain confidence to address difficult situations and conversations

  • Identify types of destructive behaviours and the triggers behind them

  • Recognise their own typical responses to difficult situations and learn to adjust these responses

  • Express themselves in an assertive manner without escalating tense situations

  • Provide feedback in difficult circumstances and to challenging individuals

Who is it for?

  • Team leaders and line managers who want to get better at addressing difficult team situations, including performance appraisals and employee feedback

  • Team members to improve the way they cooperate, improve productivity, reduce conflict and find better solutions for it, or manage up

  • Anyone who would like to improve their social and communication skills and address particularly challenging people and conversations

What we will cover.

  • Difficult behaviours and the psychology behind them

  • Types of difficult behaviours

  • Separating impact from intention

  • Identifying emotional triggers and strategies to address them*

  • Managing emotions in difficult conversations

  • Communication frameworks for dealing with difficult people

  • DISC styles and corresponding communication strategies**

*This workshop can be combined with a pre-workshop CDP assessment

**This workshop can be combined with a pre-workshop DISC assessment


1/2 to 1 Day

Workshop contents may vary based on duration.